Deutsche, Tschechen und Slowaken im 20. Jahrhundert. Materialien für den Geschichtsunterricht

Teaching and Learning Materials
Martin Schulze Wessel, Miloš Řezník, Dušan Kováč; German-Czech and German-Slovak Historian Commission | 2019

Němci, Češi a Slováci ve 20. století. Materiály pro výuku dějepisu
Nemci, Česi a Slováci v 20. storočí. Materiály na hodiny dejepisu

Germans, Czechs and Slovaks in the 20th century. Materials for history lessons

For several years, a working group within the German-Czech and German-Slovak Historical Commission was concerned with the publication of an annotated collection of sources on the history of the 20th century - explicitly as voluntary supplementary material for teaching at German, Czech and Slovak schools. The German edition is due to be published by Wochenschau-Verlag in 2019. The book deals with central topics of upper school teaching in the three countries. A Central European perspective is chosen to sharpen the view of similarities and differences in the history of Germans, Czechs and Slovaks in a pan-European context. The materials are divided into six chapters:

1. The 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century: transformations of modernity (Miloš Řezník)
2. The First World War (Miloš Řezník)
3. Interwar period (Dušan Kováč, Martin Schulze Wessel)
4. The Second World War (Volker Zimmermann)
5. The East-West conflict (Volker Zimmermann)
6. Neighbourhood after the end of the East-West conflict (Vladimír Handl, Dieter Segert)

The individual source sections of the chapters are preceded by a timeline, a didactic introduction and a detailed text. In addition, there is a glossary of key terms across the chapters.

The materials in German language are available on the publisher's website.

Learn more about the German-Czech and German-Slovak Historian Commission.

[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]

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