Report on the Slovenian-Italian relations 1880-1956

The Slovenian-Italian Historical and Cultural Commission| 2001

Poročilo slovensko - italijanske zgodovinsko - kulturne komisije
Relazione della Commissione mista storico-culturale italo-slovena

By the exchange of notes in October 1993 the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia and Italy agreed upon the establishment of the mixed Slovene-Italian Historical and Cultural Commission with the task of conducting a comprehensive in-depth study of all the relevant aspects of the history of political and cultural relations between the two nations. The Commission established at its first session that the historical period from 1880 to 1956 was relevant for its work, i.e. from the beginning of the national and political differentiation of the border area to the immediate consequences of delimitation according to the London Memorandum. For the purpose of better transparency of the Report the topics are divided, following the established historical time-divisions to four periods: 1880-1918, 1918-1941, 1941-1945, 1945-1956.  Prof. Giorgio Conetti and Dr Milica Kacin Wohinz, as Co-chairpersons of the Italian-Slovene Historical and Cultural Commission, wished to propose a few possibilities for the use of this document in practice: official public presentation of the document in the capital cities of both countries, if possible at the university, as a sign of firm reconciliation between the two nations; publication of the text in the Italian and Slovene languages; publication of basic studies, and inclusion of the Report in the curricula of secondary schools.

See the report in English, Slovenian and Italian language.

Learn more about The Slovenian-Italian Historical and Cultural Commission

[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]


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