Recommendations for German-Polish History Textbook

Gemeinsame Deutsch-Polnische Schulbuchkommission (ed.) | 2012

The volume Schulbuch Geschichte. Ein deutsch-polnisches Projekt – Empfehlungen (A German-Polish Project for a Joint History Textbook: Recommendations), primarily produced by the joint German-Polish Textbook Commission, documents the key role in the German-Polish history textbook project played by one of the most significant bilateral textbook commissions based at and supported by the Georg Eckert Institute. The volume outlines a concept for the development of a curricular history textbook which is intended to enable future school students in Poland and Germany to learn about European and global history from the perspectives of their two nations.

German version | 2012

Polish version | 2013

See the textbook Europe - Our History

Learn more about the German-Polish Textbook Commission and the German-Polish history textbook project

[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]

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