Teaching and Learning Materials
Shchupak Ihor Yakovych, “Tkuma” Ukrainian Institute for Holocaust Studies | 2015

ІСТОРІЯ ГОЛОКОСТУ Програма факультативного курсу / елективного курсу / курсу за вибором для 10 – 11 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів
The Holocaust History. The program for an optional course for 10-11 grades of secondary schools 

The programme defines the topics and content of the main educational material on interethnic relations and the "national question" in European countries in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the history of Jews and the preconditions of the Holocaust in the context of world history and history of Ukraine. This programme is designed for 17 class hours, but it does not provide for a strict lesson division, but outlines the necessary educational material, on the basis of which students' historical thinking is developed. The syllabus contains the main scientific and educational literature, documents for the course as a whole, as well as literature on individual topics, including Internet resources.The programme can serve as a basis for an optional course, a special course, an elective course for high school students on the history of the Holocaust, issues of interethnic relations and tolerance, and can also be useful in the study of relevant topics in the courses of world history and history of Ukraine, social studies subjects.

Download the programme in Ukrainian language.

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[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]

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