CBH PAN Berlin

Centre for Historical Research in Berlin of the Polish Academy of Science

Zentrum für Historische Forschung Berlin der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 
Centrum Badań Historycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Berlinie (CBH PAN)

The Centre for Historical Research in Berlin of the Polish Academy of Science  is one of six institutions of the Polish Academy of Sciences abroad and also the first institute with a historical scholarship profile and with own research projects.The purpose of the center is the research of the German-Polish relationships in the context of European history. This goal is pursued by long-standing research and scientific projects of our employees as well as the organization of events, the publication of important publications and the promotion of young scholars. The themes and the profile of the centre develops dynamically. The focus is currently on research of cultures of memory in Poland, Germany and Europe, migrations between Germany and Poland, the history of World War II and current historical discussions in both societies. Thereby, an interdisciplinary approach is pursued as well as close cooperation with international partners. In addition, the center participates through meetings, colloquia and discussions in the dialogue between science, education and public. 




Poland, Germany


since 2006



Prof. Dr. Igor Kąkolewski: igor.kakolewski(at)cbh.pan.pl 

Results of Activity



[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]

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