What history books for Europe?

Other Publications
Steffen Sammler | 2023

Subtitle: From the revision to the collaborative writing of European textbooks

Published online as a dictionary entry in Encyclopédie d'histoire numérique de l'Europe [Digital Ecyclopedia of European History].

In the late nineteenth century, textbook revision became a central concern of the European peace movement. It was a period marked by growing nationalism, in which textbooks were criticized by teachers campaigning for an education to foster peace in Europe. The beginnings of textbook revision were closely linked to the first Universal Peace Congress (1889). Throughout the twentieth century, the revision process remained faithful to this project in its procedures and productions, all while expanding its objectives to include the development of the European project. The experience of the First World War led to the first attempts to institutionalize and develop procedures for bilateral and multilateral textbook revision. This process would not bear fruit until after the Second World War, however, once the institutional, nation-state orientation of revision had made way for a transnational approach, rendering possible the development of European curricula and the collaborative writing of new textbooks.

Information was taken from the publisher's website.



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