Themes of teaching history of the primary level (grades V-VI) according to the national curricula of Georgia and Estonia

Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Mari kalabegashvili | 2023

Subtitle: დაწყებითისაფეხურის(V-VI კლასების) ისტორიისთემატიკასაქართველოსადაესტონეთისზოგადიგანათებისეროვნულსასწავლოგეგმებში(შედარებითიანალიზი)

published in kalabegashvili, Mari. (2023). Themes of teaching history of the primary level (grades V-VI) according to the national curricula of Georgia and Estonia. COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC WORKS OF SOKHUMI UNIVERSITY.

This study aims to examine  the process of teaching history at the primary level in the general educational curricula of Georgia and Estonia. The reasons of such success of the Estonian model will be discussed here and also why, despite numerous reforms, the same model is not working in Georgia. Different articles are devoted to the discussion of the Estonian model of education, However, detailed research based on thematic-calendar plans of history has not yet been conducted. The article summarizes the results of studies conducted at different times and their analysis, the standards of the social sciences are discussed, and also their similarities and differences are given here.Methodology. The article uses content analysis of sources, as well as methods of historical-comparative research, data processing and analysis.Findings. Studies have shown that this model doesn’t work properly in Georgia, because our society finds it difficult to adopt reforms and innovations.Originality/value. First of all, there will be discussed Estonian approaches in general education, then we will talk about teaching a concrete subject (history) according to the subject standards and finally, we are going to discuss the reasons for the failure of this model in Georgia. The practical significance of the paper is to introduce modern approaches of education to those, who are interested in educational researches,  teachers and students on the example of the Estonian model.

Read the article here.


[Information provided by Davit Jishkariani]

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