The Implications of Cultural and Religious Diversity for History Education in Georgia

Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Elene Medzmariashvili, Oliver Reisner | 2014

Subtitle: zweiter Teil des Titels der Publikation in Originalsprache [Übersetzung ins Englische in Eckklammern]

published in Историята, която усмихва - The History That Makes Us Smile (In Memoriam of Prof. Rumyana Kusheva). Съставител – доц. Виолета Стойчева. „Парадигма“, 2014. ISBN 978–954–326–212-0, pp.298-313

The paper focuses on the problem how to improve history education in a Georgian multicultural and multi-confessional environment and especially how to teach sensitive issues of Georgian history. The authors tried to analyze how minorities are represented in the Georgian history textbooks and to assess whether these representations were potential sources of conflict. After analyzing the textbooks and national curriculum in history of Georgia they argue that – despite certain adaptations - they retained their ethnocentric character till today. There are no topics connecting with the history of ethnic and religious minorities with Georgia. However, in spite of those problems, the new national curriculum and the experience of participation in international projects gave the authors, editors and publishers of new textbooks  the possibility to consider some important postulates, mentioned in EUROCLIO documents.

You can read the article here.

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