Schulbuchrevision und transnationale Verflechtungen nach 1945

Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Corine Defrance, Romain Faure, Thomas Strobel | 2018

Subtitle: Deutsch-französischer und deutsch-polnischer Schulbuchdialog
[Textbook Revision and Transnational Connections After 1945. German-French and German-Polish Textbook Dialogues]

published in: Verflechtungen in Politik, Kultur und Wirtschaft im östlichen Europa, Vol. 35, Transnationalität als Forschungsproblem, Jörg Hackmann, Peter Oliver Loew (eds), Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2018, pp. 182-203

The form of international textbook revision considered in this paper, namely the development of joint, bilateral textbooks, may seem, from today's perspective, to be the crowning achievement of a movement that has been dedicated to changing textbooks since the end of the nineteenth century. After both the First and Second World Wars, dialogues between German and Polish or German and French historians who had set themselves the goal of reviewing and, where possible, changing the content of existing textbooks, were daring undertakings. The fact that it is possible today to teach history in Dresden and in Lyon, in Cologne and in Poznan, using books with identical content, seems like the realisation of a utopian vision held by earlier contributors to international textbook dialogues.
But the history of international textbook work has by no means been straightforward. For a long time, cross-border textbook dialogues did not entertain visions of transnational textbooks. This paper explores the course of textbook revision, illuminating the various stages and participants and the changes in methods from rapprochement and reconciliation to cooperation, as well as addressing the difficulties regarding content and the areas of tension.

The information was taken from the publisher's website.

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