School historical knowledge in Europe: Transnational Circulations and Debates

Edited Volumes
Ewa Tatarkowsky (scientific supervision); Laure Lévêque und Simone Visciola (ed.)| 2023

Subtitle: Savoirs scolaires et historiens en Europe:circulations et débats transnationaux

published by Effigi Edizioni, Arcidosso, Italy.

The aim of this book is to re-examine the pedagogical uses of the past in the light of their circulation, transfer and adaptation. Using different scales of analysis, it examines these uses - at school and in extracurricular activities in Europe - highlighted by regional, national, transnational and international movements. What institutional or professional logics underpin this phenomenon? What relationships do they produce when they come into contact with the subjectivity of the actors they involve?
This questioning leads to the analysis of various educational instruments and mechanisms: those developed by European institutions such as the Council of Europe, by the European Schools, but also transnational textbooks, binational or multilateral commissions for the evaluation of history textbooks, school exchange practices, and the teaching of the Holocaust as a paradigm of civic education.

This multidisciplinary volume analyzes the processes at work within an often unstable web of contradictions, woven from dialogues, negotiations, transpositions and co-constructions of transmitted historical knowledge. In so doing, it brings to light dynamics which, while participating in a certain homogenization of educational practices whose actual scope in terms of reconciliation needs to be questioned, are in fact opposed to the exclusive nationalist discourses particularly in vogue in the current period.

The present book brings together revised and expanded contributions presented at two international symposia. The first, entitled «Usages scolaires du passé en Europe médiane et dans l’espace post-soviétique: circulations internationales, transferts, débats transnationaux» [School uses of the past in Middle Europe and the post-Soviet space: international circulations, transfers, transnational debates], was held on October 11-12, 2021 and was organized by Emmanuelle Hébert (Université catholique de Louvain, ISPOLE) and Ewa Tatarkowsky, at the Paris Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Centre de civilisation française et d'études francophones (CCFEF) at Warsaw University and the Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales Sciences (CEFRES) in Prague. The second symposium "Learning from the past for the future? What kind of history textbook does Europe need in the 21st century?" was organized 15-16 September 2022 in Paris by Igor Kakolewski, Eckhardt Fuchs, Steffen Sammler, Marcin Wiatr, and Ewa Tatarkowsky, also at the Paris Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences, in cooperation with the Zentrum für Historische Forschung of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin, the Georg Eckert Institute, the European Forum for Reconciliation and Cooperation in History and Social Sciences Education (EFREC) and the Institut des sciences sociales du politique (UMR 7220, CNRS-Université Paris Nanterre-ENS Paris-Saclay).

Here you will find the introductory article by Ewa Tatarkowsky "Introduction. Usages du passé en Europe, acteurs et dynamiques des circulations transnationales" and the table of contents.

You can purchase the book here.


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