Georg Eckert, ein „Mann guten Willens“

Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Corine Defrance, Ulrich Pfeil | 2017

Subtitle: Von der deutsch-französischen Schulbuchrevision nach 1945
[Georg Eckert, a ‘man of goodwill’. German-French Textbook Revision after 1945]

published in Georg Eckert. Grenzgänger zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik, Dieter Dowe, Eckhardt Fuchs, Heike C. Mätzing, Steffen Sammler (eds), Göttingen, 2017, pp. 237-256

This article focusses on the process of rapprochement through which German and French historians and history teachers succeeded in overcoming the deep mistrust that existed after the Second World War in order to initiate and implement the revision of school history textbooks. It also analyses how Georg Eckert became a part of the emerging Franco-German networks in order to make a significant contribution to Franco-German reconciliation from the 1950s onwards.


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