Anti-racist Educational Materials

Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) and Gesicht Zeigen!

In 2020, the AHDR started collaborating with German NGO Gesicht Zeigen! on a series of projects on Anti-racist Education. It is in this context that the co-production of the current educational material became a reality. The two organizations would like to call on and encourage active participation in a democratic, diverse society and promote the exploration of difficult topics such as identity, democracy, gender, and diversity, by introducing innovative methodologies and concepts in a motivating and entertaining way.

By engaging teachers and students via educational materials, AHDR is using an innovative tool to inspire awareness, promote dialogue and collaboration and initiate action for social transformation. The educational materials also contribute to the promotion of active citizenship among youth, using fun, attention-grabbing and thought-provoking methods to inspire compassion, empathy, equality and human rights values. Hence, students and teachers are encouraged to become agents of change in society rather than bystanders, which strengthens civil society. 





since 2020

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[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]


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