How to Introduce Gender in History Teaching

Teaching and Learning Materials
Tegiye Birey, Georgina Christou, Loizos Loukaidis, Faika Deniz Pasha; Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) | 2015

"How to Introduce Gender in History Teaching" is a book about working with gender when teaching history in school. It is thorough, varied and accessible. The fi rst chapter contains a historiography of women’s and gender history, and an overview of what has been published about women’s history in Cyprus, covering both the Turkish and Greek communities. The second chapter presents research on the language and content of curricula, textbooks and other teaching materials, done specifi cally by the writers for this project. The third and last chapter consists of eight concrete lesson plans covering themes dealing with women’s and gender history, developed by the writing team in cooperation with the UK expert Dr Dean Smart, senior lecturer in history and citizenship education at the University of the West of England.

This publication is the product of the collaboration of AHDR with the Council of Europe and was funded by Norway Grants in the context of the project “Home for Cooperation”. It is a unique and innovative publication underlining the role history education can play in the deconstruction of patriarchal or hegemonic power relations in modern societies.

See the materials in English, Greek or Turkish
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[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]

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