A Look at Our Past

Teaching and Learning Materials
Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) | 2011

"A Look at Our Past" is a rich-in-ideas supplementary interactive teaching pack on non-political aspects of the history of Cyprus, produced within the framework of teacher training workshops conducted by the Council of Europe in Cyprus in collaboration with AHDR. The workshops were supported by the teacher trade unions in Cyprus.

The pack consists of a variety of sources collected by the participants in the training workshops, as well as suggestions for teachers and activities for students. This educational material aims to promote the use of interactive methods in teaching about cultural diversity through school history. Through the activities provided in this pack, students have the opportunity to develop critical thinking and to aknowledge cultural diversity as an enriching element of our societies on the basis of tolerance and mutual respect. 

View the materials in three languages here.

Learn more about AHDR’s work

[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]

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