Polish-Lithuanian Bilateral Commission

Lithuanian-Polish Bilateral Expert Commission on Problems of Teaching History and Geography

Polsko-Litewska Dwustronna Komisja do badania problemów nauczania historii i geografii
Lenkijos ir Lietuvos dvišalė komisija istorijos ir geografijos mokymo problemoms tirti

An expert commission set up by the Republics of Lithuania and Poland annually examines history and geography textbooks published in Lithuania and Poland. The experts look at how each country is presented to pupils, whether sufficient attention is paid to each country, and how historical facts are interpreted in the textbooks. You can find the recommendations made by the bilateral expert commission to authors of history and geography textbooks, documents and other materials produced by the commission in the section "Activities of the International Textbook Commission" on the Education Portal's "Textbooks" page.


No website available 


Poland, Lithuania


since 1992



Results of Activity

Products: Minutes and materials from the meetings

[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]

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