Liechtenstein-Czech Historical Commission

Liechtenstein-Czech Historical Commission

Liechtensteinisch-Tschechische Historikerkommission
Lichtenštejnsko-česká komise historiků

The joint "Liechtenstein-Czech Historical Commission" was founded in 2010 by the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Czech Republic. It deals with the common history of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, Czechoslovakia and the Republic of the Czech Republic on the one hand, and the Princely House and the Principality of Liechtenstein on the other, in particular also with mutual relations in the 20th century. Its aim is thereby to contribute to a better understanding of the common history and to create a basis for future fruitful cooperation. In the following years, the Commission organized a series of historiographical conferences and commissioned research. It published the results in an eight-volume series of books on the common history of the two countries.

After three years of work, on 13 January 2014, the Commission presented a Summary Report to the Foreign Ministers of the two participating states, and through the press and the general public, publishing the conclusions of its work to date. This report was accepted by the ministries and was subsequently published in book form in two languages. Currently, the Czech-Liechtenstein Commission continues its activities in the third period and focuses mainly on those areas of mutual relations between the Czech Republic and the Principality of Liechtenstein, which were characterized in the summary report as the most serious desiderata.



Czech Republic, Liechtenstein


since 2010



Results of Activity


[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]

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