Die Belarusisch-Deutsche Geschichtskommission
Беларуска-германская гістарычная камісія
The Belarusian-German History Commission promotes joint research on Belarusian and German history and their transnational and mutual relations. As a source of inspiration, it aims to involve university, non-university and social actors from Belarus, Germany and other countries in its work. The members of the commission are historians from Belarus and Germany.
The work of the Belarusian-German Historical Commission has been suspended since July 2021.
Germany, Belarus
since 2020
Dr. Gabriele Freitag: freitag(at)dgo-online.org
Results of Activity
[The description of the activity, individual projects and products is based on the content of the Initiative's website.]
[Informations provided by Aliaksei Bratachkin]