The theme of the 4th OHTE Annual Conference "History in Crisi(e)s?" has been defined in relation to contemporary events affecting European society. For several years, the Council of Europe and its member states have been facing a series of crises on a continental scale but have also been affected by global events. History is written amid crises and focuses on how humanity can overcome them and learn the necessary lessons, and so it is therefore pertinent to ask "How studying historical crises can help us solve the crises of the present?"
The GEI and EFREC coordinated the second thematic report, 'Economic Crises in History Teaching,' for the Observatory on History Teaching in Europe (OHTE) of the Council of Europe. The report's key findings will be presented at OHTE's annual conference, which will take place on 5–6 December 2024 in the Hemicycle of the Palais de l'Europe in Strasbourg.
The OHTE report on “Economic Crises in History Teaching” analyses how economic crises are approached in both curricula and textbooks in secondary school history education and includes an exploratory study on teachers' experiences across the member states. Given that economic crises represent a fundamental challenge for individual lives and democratic governance, the report aims to investigate how young people can use knowledge of the past to take on the challenges of the present and future.
See the conference programme in English.
More information about OHTE and its thematic reports you can find here.